Steve Goode- Mercy Ministry
Man this week was so inspiring and full of hope which is so refreshing! I read a quote in a book called The Sacred Romance that said “A person losing hope is the equivalent of the human heart stopping pumping blood”! How profound, and so true! When I lose hope in something my immediate response to it is to just numb it out. Numb out what I can’t change because that’s better than feeling helpless, or hopeless. When we continually numb things out my spirit and voice inside of me are silenced and slowly start to shrivel up a dye like a baby’s umbilical chord after its cut. Sometimes in the midst of pain and great suffering all we have left to cling to is hope. I had been losing hope these last few weeks, and how could I not when we are surrounded by death, rape, starvation, slavery, poverty, brokenness, and despair. When our problems and the problems of the world are so freaking big that they block out the light and all we see is darkness. How do we find hope?? How do we not just hide in the fetal position under out beds and shudder and cry until it all goes away? This is what I had been asking God and this is the answer I got. God is bigger than…that’s it; God is bigger than…He is bigger than anything we will ever face in this world. God is bigger then_____. What is in your blank? For me it was the things we have come face to face with in this school. God is bigger than poverty, God is bigger than broken families, God is bigger than human trafficking, God is bigger than starving children…I could go on and on. There is so much pain in this world, yes, but we have God on our side, and you know what? We win…that’s it, we win. So what is the hopelessness you are feeling right now in your life situations, what is it caused by? Isn’t God bigger than the world? Didn’t he tell us not to fear because he has overcome the world? The lie that there is no hope has been exposed and may God bless us with the foolishness to know we can impact this world, this generation, and this country just by following in his footsteps. We are children of the living God who has a passion for justice and a passion for the broken hearted, the hurting, and helpless. We are living in an incredible day and age because people are starting to fight, to speak out for those who have no voice. We can join with them! We need to unite on all these issue and work together to abolish injustice.
Maybe this idea is super naive and yes it is a giant of an issue all around the world, but God uses the foolish to confound the wise, and like I said earlier may God bless us with the foolishness to know we can bring an end to this issue. If your dreams don’t scare you they are not big enough… so I would like you to ask yourself what is in your hand? David had a slingshot and some stones to defeat his giant. What gifts, talents, passions do you have that you can give back to God and say “okay this is what I have Papa, use me”. Writing, art, speaking, dancing, teaching, crocheting, knitting, driving, laughing, or music it can all be used to help. Never underestimate the power of a willing heart… We can and will be the change.
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